myADRT Frequently Asked Questions

What does ADRT stand for?
ADRT stands for “Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment”.

What is an Advance Decision?
An “Advance Decision” is a legal document that clearly states your wishes regarding how you are to be treated and cared for should you become incapacitated and unable to express your wishes regarding your medical treatment. Advance Decisions can also be referred to “Living Wills”.

What is an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment?
An “Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment” is an Advance Decision in which you log your decision to refuse a specific type of treatment at some point in the future e.g. if you become unable to communicate your wishes yourself.

How much does it cost to create an ADRT using myADRT?
Nothing, it doesn’t cost anything to create and keep details of your ADRT on myADRT.

If there are no charges then how is the myADRT service funded?
Good question, we make a small amount of if users of myADRT decide to buy the plastic myADRT ID cards (e.g. to wear as a lanyard or to keep in their wallet / purse). We also are grateful for any donations if people wish to show their support.

If I change my mind later, how do I withdraw my details and ADRT from myADRT?
You just login here: and click “Cancel ADRT” and then confirm and your ADRT is cancelled – that is all there is to it.

What details of mine will be publicly visible?
We only ask that you submit details that are reasonably needed for your ADRT form to be considered complete and valid. These details you submit necessarily need to be shared with, for example, paramedics that may be called to treat you and so need to be available in order that they can understand your wishes and are confident that your ADRT is valid so that they can then follow your wishes. This means that the information you provide is not, and given the nature of the service, cannot reasonably be stored behind a login.

Can I tailor my ADRT to my specific wishes about the treatments I want to refuse and in what particular circumstances?
The ADRTs generated by myADRT are, by design, broad in their scope and intentionally all the same i.e. these are the scenarios in which you would be stating that you want to refuse life-sustaining treatment if you lose capacity in the future:

  • Dementia
  • Brain injury
  • Diseases of the central nervous system
  • Terminal illness

In addition you would also be confirming that:

  • the refusals of treatment in your Advance Decision would apply even if your life was at risk or would be shortened as a result.
  • you wish to be given all medical treatment to alleviate pain or distress, or aimed at ensuring your comfort.

If this does not accurately reflect your wishes then you should not use the myADRT service. If you need a more bespoked ADRT then please review the information on this NHS page:

Why can’t I tailor my ADRT within myADRT?
We have purposefully adopted the all-encompassing approach to ADRT compilation simply because it minimises all confusion and ambiguity about the ADRT both from your point of view and also from the point of, for example, any paramedic that may be called upon to treat you in an emergency situation.
Knowing that all ADRTs stored within the myADRT service are all exactly the same makes it quicker and easier to understand the wishes of the patient when the medical staff sees that you have an ADRT logged with myADRT.

Why should I use myADRT service specifically?
Simply because we believe the myADRT service to be the easiest, quickest and most robust way of recording your standard ADRT wishes. The service is totally free too.

Is there an offline way to create an ADRT?
Yes, the NHS links to an Advance Decision form you can print here: or a simplified ‘myADRT’ version can be downloaded and printed here: myADRT PDF form

Who can make an Advance Decision?
You need to be 18 years old or over and you need to ‘have mental capacity’ at the time you make the ADRT i.e. you need to be able to understand what an Advance Decision is and and what it means for you.

Why might I want an Advance Decision?
There are many reasons you might want to have an ADRT. In essence you might want to have an ADRT if you want to ensure that, should you become incapacitated, your wishes regarding your medical treatment are known and followed.

How can I help and support myADRT?
Thanks, you can of course point people to the myADRT website and mention myADRT to your friends and family to encourage them to have an ADRT in place if they wish. Mentioning myADRT to your GP or carers too may encourage them to let other people they look after know about myADRT.
Beyond that if you want to make a donation to help support us then that would be very gratefully received, visit our Donate page to make a one-off or monthly donation – thank you!

How do I get in touch with myADRT?

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